5 Origami Goods That Will Keep Your Bedroom Organized

Finding visually-appealing and easy-to-use storage options doesn’t have to be difficult - Origami offers a variety of choices that are designed to keep your entire home tidy.

Like your living room, the bedroom is particularly important because this is a place meant for comfort and relaxation. Here, you’ll find some aesthetically-pleasing choices that will keep your room clutter free and give you peace of mind every time you enter it.

Origami R3 Rack

One of the most versatile offerings we have is the Origami R3, the compact version of our R5, which is capable of supporting anything that can fit on it.

Whether it’s tucked away in your closet or out in the open, various goods like toys, clothes, and containers can be easily stored on this foldable storage rack and look great while doing so too.

Origami Shoe Flower

While many people love to have their shoes near their entryway so that they can grab them and go, there are just as many who enjoy keeping their shoes on display in their bedrooms and closets as well.

The Origami shoe flower is a more streamlined way to keep your shoes organized so that they don’t take up much space in any room. If you have plenty of pairs you want neatly sorted, this shoe rack is for you!

Origami RB Bookcase

Do you like to read before bed and want to keep your favorite books nearby? You’ll certainly benefit from having a RB bookcase within reach! However, not only is this tall and slim bookcase naturally great for keeping your reading materials in one place, it also functions as an excellent multipurpose rack.

For instance, you can keep your picture frames on display on this so you can always fondly look back on nice memories as well as add some greenery to your space.

Origami R3 Storage Cubes

Back on the topic of the Origami R3, we also offer a way to keep your goods and bedroom even neater-looking by providing storage cubes that are designed to specifically fit your R3 rack.

Sure, regular boxes and containers can get the job done, but sometimes you might find they take up more space than your liking or just don’t fit quite right. These, however, will ensure your shelving is used efficiently by letting you fit two on each of the three shelves.

Origami Foldout Desk

While a desk isn’t exactly an organization solution like many of the previous options, our foldout desk can certainly help you maximize a lot of the area you have in the bedroom as a whole!

These desk is large enough to keep all of your essentials on it, but at the same time won’t take up a massive footprint in your room like much larger desks, giving you more room to breathe overall.

Outfit Your Bedroom Today!

The bedroom is one of the places in the home where we spend a great deal of our time, so making it cozy is crucial!

All of these can make your bedroom a comfier area for you to relax and wind down, and hopefully, some of these will find a way into your home. You can also view our entire catalog by clicking here to see everything we have to offer, many of which can benefit other places in the home that can use a makeover.

Origami makes organizing your home simple and effortless while adding style, so you can turn your bedroom into a fashionable and efficient oasis of order with ease!

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